What A Dump

So ok I am go make my shop again. My think is even if mean is in the world so am I too there and if I am do nothing mean is win. I am not let mean Dan Seawwconds win. So I go and start where is the most important thing for make it better and try for wash away FEAR. Them mean spell on my wall are the so hard clean off but I start with FEAR then when F is gone I was laugh at SEAWWCONDS MEANS EAR and think maybe leave it for everybody laugh at Dan too. But then I was get angry when I have a look at the name of SEAWWCONDS so I wash off him ugly name I work angry hard and it go away so there. But then was just left MEANS EAR and was not so funny as before so I scrub it clean off too. I sit back and see the clean wall and Jack woof like good job Sam and I give him bacon and some for me too. We sit in some sand eat bacon and see at the wreck of store. When was a big mess and everything is everywhere Grammy would say what a dump and my store was what a dump. But I am make my shop safe and good again and if Dan come back for more mean fun at me I am put my machete right in him neck.

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