Happy Sick Bird Day
Today I have the loud hear it of hoop and shout about have a party. All of Fissure was run around drink some hootch for the party of it but what is it for I don't know. I maybe hear somebody say about Happy Sick Bird Day but I don't know why have a party about sick bird so maybe is wrong. So many people I seen at Happy Sick Bird Day too some people even I only ever hear about before was there. Also they was play music call Red Zone sounds for dance a lot too and funny games and then a old man was tell the long so good story and sing in mutant talk around a fire. Even I hear a so haunt me tone of hurdy gurdy I am love the hear of it. When I hear first the name of hurdy gurdy I was think somebody wear a girdle that poke ouch in them side meat. But the true of hurdy gurdy is a box for make so good music a lady Diamanda was play at us. I have a see around at people then and the look at friends I know and some I maybe like to know and I was have the good feel about folks.
It was same time of season last span when I became here in a hole in the Rot and not member nothing in my head from beforetimes because hit so hard a lot and fall down on my brain. I was live nowhere and know nobody and eat mold and hang on live somehow. Even I was think about have a jump off the bridge so sad was Sam. But I find a good place in Fissure and make a house and kilt a mean ghoul and make free a big mutant and then my house was burnt down and I build a new house and get the so sick Rust Mouth and then get a goat and a dog and a chicken and more was happen even. All in just one span too is make my head spin some for say it all together. So I have a think about be around folks and join they funny sick bird party is so better instead of be in a hole with a broke in you head.
I walk home after Happy Sick Bird Day party and feel the so good feel about love everything around it was not just hootch. Then I seen in some sand where was some metal lumps like skull so I go look and they look more like skull lumps. I quick dig them up because maybe someone have the hootch too much and drop they lumps here and maybe come back soon. So I grab and run home first for have a look at.
I was so shock and amaze at three so pretty things after polish them some. I smile and smile at them all in a line so glamour all for Sam. I was play think about games and make pretend them lumps was special awards give to Sam because so special. One award skull lump I pretend is for Be The So Nice Person At Everyone Award and have a think about how everyone was shout yay at Sam and I was say thank you thank you for like me. Then was the nother imagine trophy I get about Have The Best Glamour House Award and I wave and say again thank you at everyone and have the so glad feel about the make of my house. Then was walk I around hold my lump skull awards and wave at all them people in my think who love Sam and yell it at me too. Then my pretend think of number three award was Best Small Size Dog Friend Award it was for Jack not me. But I am accept the award on him behalf for him.
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