
I woke up and it was so fog outside. Everything is quiet when it is fog and not even the cinder beetles make clicks then. It is so still and fuzzy that I don’t like to go running so I stayed in the theater and just tried to be quiet too.
I walked out to look at the bridge and there it was still but I also went to see at Brenda’s cave. Nobody was around but they can smell me before I seen them so I don’t know are they hiding or not there. I heard a big black bird make loud caw caw but I never seen him and then he stopped so back to quiet.
I guess the fog made me wander out some and soon I was out in Cormac where the Buryhead Buzzard is at. I like the sand there so much I don’t know why but I do. It feels old there and like from a time when things were better and not so fog maybe.
I sat in the trader camp for a while but I seen nobody. The fire was on so maybe mister Digger was there but away when I sat there. I thought about Dan and how he talked last time I was here. I bet Dan isn’t scared of fog like Sam is a little.

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