Sometimes Sam is so busy I forget to make the spelling here. Also is the so sick still and my lungs feel like a sack with knives and my head is like sand hippo step on it. Also dizzy cough blood tired but I could spell about sick until forever it is so horrible. So about that is enough.
I found a so nice place to live. It is the three metal box place I said about and I have add things to make it safe from ghoul and also so glamour in my house too. I like to lay on the big soft fur on my deck.
With Sam’s new house is a best look place at the Great Fissure. When is the no cloud sky I can see Cormac even.
On the one side is the house of Psycho Broke that I know from long time. He give Sam some flatbread when we first meet one day running around and he is nice. Psycho is a fighter sometimes in the fighting and he is win too. On the nother side is the place of Mouse Oh who is hide a lot but I seen her on her funny tower sometimes.
My house front door is under a big rock.
Under the rock is the vestibule is what Grammy called the place between a door and the room. My vestibule has hopscotch in it have you ever heard of that. The echo makes jumping so fun.
The look down in the vestibule make me dizzy sometimes. Maybe just from the sick but maybe not I don’t know.
I try to make the walls safe for ghoul and pirate and mean things all around. Sometimes there is sniff from things but they go away so far.
I seen a little man just today who stood on my big barrel back door. He just sniff and go away. Probably I look like so sick and he run.
The so funny thing is I can look where I was under the rust place for so long sleeping from sick. I never seen my house from when I was lay there I don’t know why.
I made a fire like Grammy said how and sometimes I catch the dinner rat right in my room. Maybe rat not come here so much when they tell around that I am eat visitor rats. Also near the fire is some good things I find but also I keep some under sand because thief.
I make also a back door under the ladder and I hang a curtain that is not so glamour but ok for nothing else.
My big barrel back door is behind the old sofa I find. Sofa is so not glamour and with big orange balls where is the sitting I don’t know why so yuck. Maybe sofa is not right for the room.
The big barrel back door is hard to go through because jump on top of barrel and then climb inside. I was think it give Sam time to run out of the nother door if mean things come in.
Also at the curtain back door is ground blood from I don’t know it was here. Maybe mean things will see so blood and not want to bother Sam for scared but also it might see blood and think a blue hair snack is inside. I wisht I had a door for real.
At the most top of my house is where the one box is open top and so far down is the dirt. I seen where is a door at the bottom but I don’t want to get stuck down there so I don’t go so far. Maybe the door is to a place under sand where Sam can be so safe. Maybe someone just put his trash door down there I don’t know.
From my most top deck I seen the whole of everything as far as my look. I so miss my friend bridge and the Rot and when my sick is over I will run and see the bridge all day. But also I have the happy feel when I walk in my house. Sometimes I walk out and in and then out the nother door and back in and all day just walk in my house. Maybe the sick is also mess with my think.