Them skies is get the cold feel in them because season of Wither and Shelter come so soon. I member when was this time last time I hear about some Candy Ghoul give him sweets out like honey grubs and roach with chocolate on him crunchy body. Is for some holiday around here of give candy and scare folks but I never had that where I was from. There we never have no kind of candy and have the so fear on all the days.
I seen my funny cat friend Mao sit in the basket where is the bloodmoss I find for eat it later. I think Mao is want the warm of fire and the soft of moss for a bed. I like she glow eyes and she so black fur and when she tail and back make a curve and her hiss like scratch you face off. Grammy say about some cats is really a witch change she shape to a cat and I guess them witch cats are make they spells on you ankle and lap I don't know. My cat friend Mao is so sweetface I think she be a witch is unpossible.
I go for the run around look for things and again was I find so many of them punkins. Punkin punkin punkin is all of my find for so many days is make me crazy from so many punkins. I am find them grow every wheres around in them sands and in swamp and in them sick dirts of Junkyard even was some punkin. I bring them all home for maybe eat them when is no food around but some get rot inside so I put them ones on wall pokers for them birds come eat they seeds. I miss them buzzard birds but some nother birds around is like to eat them spoilt punkins I hope.
I member when I was so small and try for be help to Grammy in she kitchen but I was not know how be some help yet. I was go get a onion for she put in the soup but I pull a bad board and broke they onion crate and all them onions dump on my head I was so cry about it. Grammy come put she arm on me and brush them onion dirts out my hairs and say oh Sammy you poor punkinhead. I was not know the mean of punkinhead but Grammy say it at me then was so good feel on my brains. The find of so many punkins give me a think of make a hat of one for be a punkinhead I don't know why.