Punkin All Over

Them skies is get the cold feel in them because season of Wither and Shelter come so soon. I member when was this time last time I hear about some Candy Ghoul give him sweets out like honey grubs and roach with chocolate on him crunchy body. Is for some holiday around here of give candy and scare folks but I never had that where I was from. There we never have no kind of candy and have the so fear on all the days.

I seen my funny cat friend Mao sit in the basket where is the bloodmoss I find for eat it later. I think Mao is want the warm of fire and the soft of moss for a bed. I like she glow eyes and she so black fur and when she tail and back make a curve and her hiss like scratch you face off. Grammy say about some cats is really a witch change she shape to a cat and I guess them witch cats are make they spells on you ankle and lap I don't know. My cat friend Mao is so sweetface I think she be a witch is unpossible.

I go for the run around look for things and again was I find so many of them punkins. Punkin punkin punkin is all of my find for so many days is make me crazy from so many punkins. I am find them grow every wheres around in them sands and in swamp and in them sick dirts of Junkyard even was some punkin. I bring them all home for maybe eat them when is no food around but some get rot inside so I put them ones on wall pokers for them birds come eat they seeds. I miss them buzzard birds but some nother birds around is like to eat them spoilt punkins I hope. 

I member when I was so small and try for be help to Grammy in she kitchen but I was not know how be some help yet. I was go get a onion for she put in the soup but I pull a bad board and broke they onion crate and all them onions dump on my head I was so cry about it. Grammy come put she arm on me and brush them onion dirts out my hairs and say oh Sammy you poor punkinhead. I was not know the mean of punkinhead but Grammy say it at me then was so good feel on my brains. The find of so many punkins give me a think of make a hat of one for be a punkinhead I don't know why.

No More Never Never

Today I run by where is that wood place and them so funny Brothers are pray to they whatever god. I seen my friend Nick and one them Brothers name of Gabriel they was stand up on the tower of they sinky church. I say hi Nick and Nick say hi back at me and say about come up there so I come up there. Brother Gabriel was so young and hard face and him say about today is they main god speaker make him big god speaks at folks. I am not know the mean of any of it. 

I have the look of they wood church was a nice place for sit and have a think. The whole place was sink in the sand make me feel like lean some for just be inside. Them boards was so old look like maybe put you thumb through them beams I think. I hope some gods is hold they roof up from fall on they heads. 

There was some big bloods on they wall and a place for folks talk at other folks. Brother Gabriel say about they big deal is the name of Second Fall and how Second Fall is come soon for get everyone I guess. Gabriel say them sands is angry feel at all us folks and soon is come the end and then is we all in the Never Never. Is sound like crazy talk to me but is what was him say so ok. 

I guess them Brothers tell they news around to folks and folks start to come by for hear it. I was know some them folks like Apo and Witch mutant and Angh and Kaya too. Also was some people I never seen but I get the hear of they live in Fissure too like Sam. I am need to get out of my house more. 

Then a man who is god boss of them Brothers come and say hello at everyone. Him name of Jedidiah Stone and him hair was so tangle is make me laugh for the crazy look of it. Maybe talk to them gods is make him hair explode I don't know. Him look was crazy eye and always was him smile but no happy in it. People give lots of sass at him for him gods be dumb but I try for listen to him crazy talk anyways is a polite thing for do. 

More and more folks come inside for the hear of them words and my friend Kaya was sit in the so way back. I hear then Kaya and Apo say about Jedidiah is the daddy of Kaya I was so amaze at the hear of it. Then they mutant Brother name of Kane was sing a song about something was hard to know the mean of it. Him funny mutant mouth was make words maybe not so good for the hear of them. Also was the Brother I seen before name of Abe and also Brother Gabriel. So many Brothers just for some says at folks.

In my hear was some whisper and I seen a man with brain bones on him shoulder come inside. Folks was call him Reverend Mercy and him church was the name of Reaver I think. All them god folks is talk so scramble in they words I am not know what is they say ever.

I am wonder why is it when folks get together always the big fire is happen. Jedidiah was say him words and folks was yell they words back at him like all normal day and then I smelt some smoke. I think was come from where is behind them Brothers but I just run outside and folks all run outside too. We all stand have a look of they wood church get burnt up. 

Them smokes go so up and up I guess them King of Fire god and them mamimal god too all was see the burn of it. I never seen no god before but I have a wonder why was some god live in a sink church that get burnt. 

Folks was just hang around then not even talk about no gods no more. Some mens from some nother church was try for kill them brothers and them Brothers all was run away. I seen Brother Gabriel after was stand on a hill just watch the burn of him church. What is them Brothers do now for live somewhere is give me the sad feel for the think of it. 

None of them folks seen how was Jedidiah Stone get away from them flames or maybe was him burnt up in him church. If was inside them fires kilt him for sure but we seen no body of him so I don't know. I was so sad feel for Kaya about she daddy get maybe kilt. I am make Kaya some soup for she be ok. I never heard of no god make a soup for they friend feel better. Them gods was not even bring a bucket of some water for put out them fires. I am not know why is folks care about some gods is seem like nuts to me. 

Thank You Kitchen

Today I was wake up and feel ok so I get my gear for run around look for useful things. I am take Mr. Dirty with me and some lunch and my machete for if some folks give they mean at me I am maybe kill them in they necks first. I have the good feel about find a good thing today and then by where is my up ladder I stop for have the look of my kitchen. I stare for the long time and smile. 

Some folks around is got no foods for they belly and the so hungry get more bad when is the cold come. Some bodys got no house for keep them safe no fire for keep they toes warm. But little scramblehead Sam is got a ok pantry and some fires and the nice safe undersand house. I was stand there look at my kitchen and them grubs in they jar house and all my foods I collect for save eat them later. I have the so lucky feel of it all. 

I guess is funny to get the so good feel of be in a kitchen. Is just a place for make them foods I guess is the true of it. But also is my kitchen my home place. I was grow up in a kitchen is just feel like I am belong there I guess. And now I have the so nice kitchen is almost make me happy cry for it. Me and Mr. Dirty just stand and smile at my kitchen and I put my hand around my own neck like choke myself I don't now why. Is a funny morning. 

More Them Bugs

I seen more them blue bugs I only seen them in Rot but I guess they bug line is walk now to my house. I seen where was make they line by where is my outside fire and crawl from under one them walls to under the nother wall. I have a laugh at they so funny wiggle legs and was think about catch them for maybe trade the Pigman for some spices. Them bugs is shine blue like pretty so is maybe worth some spices I don't know. But also was I am not want to take them bugs I like the look of them walk by me. I wonder what they so important do is make them walk all over everywhere. I am never see them carry nothing in they biters only walk here then to there. What is they even do for a house I never seen they bug house. Maybe is they just walk around got no house but how is them new bugs get born if they always just walk around. Bugs is get more confuse the more I have the think of them. 

The Feed Of Soups

I seen my friend Nick and my friend Psycho and we talk about the hungry feel of no food around for eat it. I always try make soup for my friends but even Sam is not got so much for put in the soup. Some but not so much.

Nick and Psycho say about also thems got some foods but not enough for make a soup. I member then somebody say at the trader camp about the make of soup where is the doctor bird name of Egg. Is a funny sound for a name but if him is give me soup I am call him the name of what ever is him want. 

Each of us was put the small foods in the bucket of the bird doctor and him mix and cook him so funny way of cook it. Who is even put a plastic bucket on a grill fire and why is it not melt I don't know. But them soups was ready and we eat it and was the so best meal maybe was I ever have. And was more even to give to nother folks come to see the bird doctor. I get the glad feel about make the soup for folks and also about the eat of it too.

Sick Green Day

When was I wake up I have the headpains some and feel like be sick in my breathe. I go for see outside and them airs was thick and stink again and look green some. Sometimes them clouds bring bad smells and the green of them airs is some times start the stink. I go to the bridge in Rot for the breeze of it.

I try for think of what is them skies smelt like and I only was guess is like some old puddle got sick in it and maybe some grubs is have they stink babies there too. I am not want the eat of them grubs for the long time I think. I hope them bad skies is not stay around so long like them skies once was last a whole moon and stink like burnt fish. 

I was hear once some old man say a story around him fire and tell all the folks about when was the world not broke and everyone had foods in the belly too. Also was him say them skies and waters too was not stink at all was clean and never have no sick in it. I member I was have the think of is unpossible for be true because never was a time with so much good in it. Is still seem unpossible now too. And is not matter much because nothing is work very good now anyway even if was work once then. 

Them green skies get dark and more thick of them stinks. I sit on the bridge for the long time I guess and have the look of down. I member some times when I was so sad feel I come to the bridge for not know what else I am do. Sometimes I have the look of down so far and get the feel of fall on my skins for just the think of it. Then when was almost all dark Jack come find me and we walk home. I was look all over them places for some twine but was not find none no wheres. 

Dream Of The Soup Of Me

I am umbelieve at my own dream. Is so amaze me I am not lose the feel of it even. I was stand in some white like nothing just the full bright light of white. Then was I seen a big onion big as me and red like them ones Grammy smelt like. I have the look of the so big onion and then seen also was some bugs blue and big too. In my think was these are make a good soup together for feed all my friends and then I have the think of maybe I am just stand here for be the nother thing get add to the soup. I see around for the Witch mutant be there make a soup of me but her was not there just white. Also in my dream think then was I will only start to worry when I have the look of some boiling pot. That is all of my dream I member. I am never want to be the soup.