I wake up with them nose bloods and headpains and the feel of not want to do nothing so I make a fire and sit for just have the look of Fissure. I only sit a while then my friend Nick come by and say hi Sam so I say hi Nick come sit if you is want to sit. He was want to sit.
Then the always tough thing was happen again of when we sit and not say nothing at each other. Is always make the tight feel in my self for my not know what am I say and the wonder why is him not say some thing at me. My brains spin around on them worries in the so quiet.
Then my mouth just start the long say about the so crazy cross man I seen yesterday near where is my house him hair was out like some tree arms and him whole self have the look of nuts like my Grammy always say about them folks not right in they brains is call them nuts but them nuts is so good for eat them so I don't know and I never seen the nuts man before and I am never want to see him again I hope so watch out for him ugly face. Nick roll him eyes around some and say Sam that is not good. Them words was all in him say at me just Sam that is not good like I am not even know that already. I am never understand the think of a boy.
Then I seen him nice arm. Maybe I was stare at the arm of Nick I don't know why. It was dirty and boy smell. Also I seen him necklace of a tool because of him name of Toolshed was hang on him nice neck. I decide in my mind if Nick is look at me look at him arm I am just say at him Nick I like you nice arm. So I wait for him have the look at me.
But Nick was not look at me just at them fires so I never say about him nice arms. Is maybe better I keep my yip shut was Grammy say about don't talk so I just shut my yip. I get the confuse in my head was already headpains in there so just get more worse. I get the glad feel for him not look at me then. Why am I want some boy look at me anyway maybe I don't so there was in my think. I wisht my brains would shut they yips.
Me and Nick talk some about small things are happen around but I was only look at them fires and not have much for say I guess. I think Nick is not ever have the look of me in him whole entire life. I am sit like Sam is the nother part of the chair and Nick is got no want to look at me for no reasons. Maybe my talk at him is make him nuts or my face mark from be a slave is make me ugly or I am just not what is him want to look at. But him was not look so what is the difference of why I don't know.
Nick and me sit and sit and talk some but mostly sit and have the look of Fissure. Them skies was thick like smoke and them clouds so up far I am not know even where was the sun. I have a think of is nice to just sit with my friend even when my brains is go nuts from think it all. I wisht my nose bloods was stop at least.
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