I was find the so good place for get them rats for some soup. I seen where was they live in some sand by some junks in a hole and they so fat and yum look I was go home for get my hunt them gear. Jack was go somewhere I don't know but him face is be so surprise when is him see the place of rats.
I member Grammy teach me the way of cut they rat body for the make of soup for feed all them slaves. I am wonder how is even a rat live anywheres after all them rat body I chop up when was I be in the kitchen. Grammy have she say about even a rat is taste so good when is you belly yell at you. She tell me them secrets of make savory them rat body but I am not tell it even here is so secret Grammy make me take the oat. She say was Sammy you are take the oat about never say them secrets of the make of so good foods and I say yes Grammy I am take the oat and be true of it too. I still do not know why is oat I am think sometimes Grammy was be old in she brains.
I climb where is a rusty bridge for you get from one pile of some sands to the nother pile of sands. Them rats was crawl under me and was easy for just poke they backs with a pokey stick and fill the bag. I am have Nick and Kaya and Marko and Asbin and Nia and Apo and Flit and need for get more friends my soup pot is be so full of them savory meats for all them so good folks.
After was my bag full of them yum rat body I have a sit and think about all of nothing I guess. My think most was about Jack and him nice smile and the moon is sweet face too and them flowers even grow in some nasty is all give me a warm of inside my own self. I hold my breathe for not change any things because I have the know then of it was the feel of be happy. Was a so crazy place for the feel of it finally but ok.
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