Today I find the so good thing when I was run around look for good things it is a thing call flute. I was walk to Junkyard for see my friend Flit and have a talk about them Brutes and there I seen a wreck of house all fell apart nobody live there probably. In my think was Sam go have the inside look so I go inside and look there was a bad smell of maybe dead fish parts and also I find a cloth look like wrap around a pipe. But I unroll the cloth and inside is a flute.
Is a wood flute like I seen the man play sometimes at the party of Honcho Uno when him get more wifes. Some of Uno slaves was know how make them music and the one man was play the thing Grammy call it a flute was like mine I find. I seen him blow at the one flute end where is flat for you lips so I try blow it there but the fish dead smell on it was make me feel throwup.
I bring my flute home and give the soak and scrub on it and most the bad smell was go away after. I try blow at the end again and not much was happen for my hear just the sound of blow in a wood pipe. But then I find the way for hold you mouth right and then a tone come from my flute. Jack jump up from him nap and bark at it he don't know what is the sound and I say Jack is ok I am just make music at you.
I was think about the man play him flute I seen and also was wiggle him fingers at the flute. I seen where was little holes in the flute I was think maybe was broke but cover them little holes with you finger is make the tone in you hear change. I am so amaze at the different tone of music sound is make when wiggle fingers at them holes and blow in it too. I spend all of this day and night too just work on play a better music.
Jack and me make a fire out by the edge of Fissure and have the big look at all them stars in the far away. I try for better learn them hole and tone things of my flute and Jack watch sparks jump out from fire to the sky like is maybe glow bugs he is want to eat them. I was make flute tones for long as my whole breathe and listen for it bounce around in the hear of Fissure. Then Jack was make bacon face at me so we go home and I give him a bacon and me too.
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