What Am I Do

I just take a bath. All day I sit down deep in the cave in water and have the think about fire. In just a blink and all is nothing I shake my head about it. Why is Seawwconds so mean and why at me and how am I live now I wonder. I keep add the hot water from fire pot and stay in a bath. I am stare at walls. I am sit like rock the puddle. I have a think about make the ash place was my home into a yard and make safe the small place for Curry and my door to undersand. I want make a new home but just now I have the throwup feel. If I sit so still maybe time is just go by me and what is worry now is just done things then so ok. But maybe also could be the water drip in my tub is some poison and eat the skin of me and make me dead. I guess I am not know the mean of things when they are happen at me.

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