I guess I feel better now since I membered about the beforetimes. So much was fuzzy in my head but a lot is better now even though I still get the terrible headpains and nose bleeds. But now I member lots of things like how Grammy taught me my spelling and my brother Jack who died as a baby. Even I member Mommy and Papa and how they got killed and that was when I was still a brat. I guess I’m glad that I’m free now even though it is hard to stay alive by myself but I don’t have nobody telling me work harder Sam and I can run around where I want. I miss the warm kitchen and the nice ladies who had to work there too.
But mostly Honcho Uno was a bad fat man who took things from everyone and told people what to do or else he hurt you so I guess I don’t miss it much. I wisht a little that I knew where in the world the kitchen was but I guess it’s all busted up now anyway so if I did know where I maybe wouldn’t even go back. It must be very far away from here.
Another thing I member is how Grammy used to make the bread batch bigger by adding some sawdust. She told me Sam never say about this or they will eat us for dinner instead and I never told nobody. It was some of the good times with Grammy.

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