(note: this entry is written on the back of a Miss February pin-up poster found behind Harvey’s Bar one lucky night)
Today I started running early and went a long way and I found more feathers. I was running in a place I don’t know very good called Burnt Oak where a big white wall is there in the middle of nowhere for some reason. Mostly it was empty out there so I thought good for me to find useful things.
I started to get a nose bleed again and the sun was making me cross so I stopped to rest in a little metal shack. I think it was the metal shack that made me member because the wall was just like some of the walls around Honcho Uno’s fort and that started me thinking.
It was my last night in the beforetimes I guess because everything was ruined. The kitchen where me and Grammy used to work was all messed up and mean men from outside were hurting everyone along the Big Wall. I member Grammy talking to the guard man Marko about how Honcho Uno was history now and how we better be gone quick before it’s our turn too. Grammy told me come here and to hide in the root cellar for a spell and stay quiet as a mouse. I member I thought how a mouse squeaks but I won’t because I knew what Grammy meant.
I heard a lot of yelling and cross men when I was in the cellar but I was quiet like a mouse. I could smell fires too and I was starting to think it was real bad when I heard Grammy tell me come out. It was dark and I got into the back of a wagon with Grammy. Marko drove the big wooly cow around to the river side of Honcho Uno’s fort and we all got on a soggy raft and drifted out along with the stink and garbage.
When we got off the raft it was so cold and dark. I never been out of the Big Wall except when I got in so much trouble that time and that was just a mistake is all. But now the mistake was to go back where we lived and I could see Grammy cry. I was going to say it’s ok Grammy but then a lot of the mean men found us and hit Marko real hard in the head. Most of the mean men were from the outside but the one man I saw with them I knew from times I seen Honcho Uno and it was one of his main men. He had big silly gloves on and he told me and Grammy that we belonged to him now. When Grammy started crying again he hit her so hard and when I told him stop it he hit me too. His dumb gloves were made of horse skin and his breath was like old milk.
The Man with the Gloves kept me in a wooden box for I guess I don’t know how long. He had a lot of wagons with stuff he took from Honcho Uno and they were all moving during the day but I don’t know where. Sometimes he would give me food and sometimes he would try to get me. Once when he tried to get me I bit him on the neck as hard as I could. I member he hit me a lot then.
That night he forgot to lock my box with his big stinky horse gloves and when it sounded ok I lifted the lid and crawled away in the dark. I took some things from the man's camp wagons like my ear covers and some other gear but then I ran and ran I don’t even know where but I ran so hard. I was so tired and cold and trying to get away still when I tripped and fell down a hole. I guess I hit my head and ate some dirt because when I woke up I didn’t know much or why I had dirt in my mouth. Everything seemed like a beforetime and like I just became here. And I was thinking that all along. Until today in a metal shack out in Burnt Oak. I never seen Grammy or Marko since.