Marko and Kaya tell at me how some they friends go out for the find of the bad man was shoot Pan Pot in him arm. Marko say him friend name of Myo hear them shots and chase the man but she was not find him no where.
Thems talk about who was the crazy man and some folks seen him face. Kaya seen him face and was look familiar but her not member who was he. Also was a girl name of Shea seen the man she say him face was red paint on it I don't know why.
I never seen Shea before. Kaya say she hair is red like fires and she back half got a tail. I am wonder about is her mutant but I am so feel funny to ask anyone is them mutant for the maybe of them just people with some extra parts. Shea was say about her help find the mean crazy man.
Marko tell me about a man was just get here from I don't know where him name of Amon. Him face was dark and him so big hat hide him whole self from the sun. Marko was wonder about who is Amon but Marko say him feel ok about trust him. Also in they group was the boy of Shea name of Mel.
Him was a dirty boy but have nice in him face Kaya say about Mel. Marko say Mel is like the age of Pan Pot. I was have a think maybe Shea is want to find the mean crazy man because want to protect she own boy from be shoot in him arm too.
I am not understand why the man name of Amon is even want to help the find of the mean man. No body never seen him before then and him face was so dark in him hood no body seen him even then. Maybe him is just the nice man want to help but most mens around here is be more mean that help.
Kaya then was member who is the man she seen him at the burnt church place of she papa name of Jedidiah. The man is name of Briel and him was follow the church of Kaya papa Jedidiah and do him prays in they church. I guess mean Briel got no church now so is shoot at boys in they arms.
I was in they church when it burnt up and every body was think Kaya papa Jedidiah was burnt up too. Him followers call they selfs brothers name of Abbyham and Kane like Briel was run away when they church get fires in it. I hope them nother brothers are not shoot at no kids in they arms too. Why for are so many folks monsters in the hearts I don't know why.