I was have the so proud feels of make a good soup and then member about my shop of BUY IT GOOD and the place where I make foods for nice folks was the name of MAGIC BEAK. I member the so good feels when was somebody trade me good things for some them sammiches I make with flatbreads like Grammy teach me. Mean Dan Seawwconds burnt down all them good places of mine but I have a think of maybe I can make again some good thing for people get they lunch.
I get a old shelf and some bags I was find around and I look in my kitchen for good things you put in a sammich. I get some them bacons and nice fungus too and put inside them flatbreads for the so good taste of it. Also on the shelf I put some so good savory grubs I make of spice I get from the Pigman trader. I wisht my Grammy was here for taste some them savory grub I make and I have the think of maybe her like them so much.
I make a sign on some old woods and put the words of GET YOU SAMMICH HERE for folks know about get they sammich here. Some them letters get wrong and some paint drips too but I have the look of it be done and say ok about it so ok. Me and Jack wait then for some hungry folks come by and trade me good things for good sammich. When I am start a new thing I have the so glad feel of it so I decide for now and ever I am do more of things that make me the good feels. Maybe tomorrow I get the knife of Dan Seawwconds cut through my belly and die from it so today I am go have them glad feels because be alive is not last long and is the so dumb thing to miss it.